First Press Release: Belvoir
'Fostering the Arts in the Vale
of Belvoir'
times are ahead for residents and visitors of the Vale of Belvoir thanks to an art scheme being introduced by the
Duke and
Duchess of Rutland with the help of their newly
appointed artist-in-residence, award-winning sculptor Laury
great place is
incredibly appealing to me. It’s a fantastic opportunity to
create a rural arts
facility and to make contemporary artwork for an ancient Estate, all in
very heart of rural England” says
Laury. “Also
following former artists associated with the family such as
Joshua Reynolds is a great challenge and privilege.”
large-scale, outdoor public works in Ireland, China,
Vietnam, Honduras, the USA and France, with both large and small
sculptures at
Broomhill Sculpture Gardens in North Devon, as well as corporate
clients that
include HSBC Head Office in Canary Wharf, Laury Dizengremel has also
decades participated in or led a variety of art workshops. She is looking
to developing a programme to benefit children and adults in the Vale of
Belvoir. from her new home/studio in the Old Hunt Stables in Woolsthorpe-by-Belvoir.
Duchess of Rutland is keen on the whole concept of
fostering the arts in and around the Belvoir Estate. She said:
Estate has a
great history of art – from the collections made by the 4th
Duke with
his friend, Joshua Reynolds to Duchess Violet drawing pictures with
Victoria. We are so pleased that Laury has agreed to be our
to continue our investment in the arts. Laury is a world-class master
sculptor who has previously created sculptures of Roger Federer and
other international
names. While Laury is at Belvoir, she is going to create busts of our
As parents, we are delighted with that!”
The artist
hails originally from France, previously lived in
England for 20 years and has just moved back to the UK after a stint in
Montana, where she acquired “a
lovely videographer
husband, a great rescue dog and a tiny feral kitten, whom I bottle-fed
for a
few weeks last year and was dubbed on arrival at Heathrow by Animal
officers as the first true Norwegian Forest Cat they’d ever
Laury hopes
to receive suggestions from members of the local
community. “It’s
all about me learning what
sculpture and design tuition is needed around the Vale.
The programme I will devise will be based entirely on consultation with
at grass roots level.” The artist
can be reached via her e-mail address or through her website at www.laurydizengremel/Belvoir. She welcomes all correspondence.
Media contact details and further
contact Laury on +44 (0)7725 555048
You can read more
about Laury’s work
The special
project on Roger Federer
and the ATP Masters Shanghai / Wimbledon Museum tour sculptures can be
seen at: